Evening ladies and gents!!
I've had a bit of a break from coaching this week so I had a lot of extra time to really get stuff done around the house. If you follow me on Instagram (@wifey604), you know that I've been cooking up a storm this week and it inspired me to blog about meal planning.
As busy parents or busy people in general, we are all about everything that is fast and convenient, especially when it comes to our daily meals. One of my biggest weaknesses is going out to eat, especially when I'm too tired to or lazy and just want someone else to cook me food. This happened a lot after having Jonathan and was working full time in Vancouver (1 hour commute from home). I was way too tired to cook dinner or prepare lunch to bring to work the next day. Even the days when I wasn't tired, during the busy times of the year, I had to continue working when I came home. So I always resorted to ordering food or eating out which , not only add up money wise, but start to become unhealthy as well as I wasn't exactly going for the healthy options on the menu (what better way to beat stress than with a burger and a beer at the local Cactus or extra whip cream on my morning Starbucks).
I wanted to get back into the habit of meal planning so I figured out a way that was simple, quick, and sustainable. Before, I used to sit and think about what to make for the week, I spent hours online looking at recipes and making grocery lists. But after baby, I found that method to be too time consuming and I was so annoyed by it, in the end I just gave up.
Once a week, usually on a Tuesday (the hubby and I have odd work hours, coach life!!) I spend 2 hours total on grocery shopping and meal planning, that's it!! I am fortunate enough to have all the shops and markets I need all in the same shopping plaza so it's a one stop shop. It may take a bit longer for some of you as you may have to do a bit of driving back and forth from market to market. Or shorter if you buy everything in one grocery store. I personally shop at butchers and farm markets as the meats and produce are always fresh (in particular, free range and organic at the places I go to). I make a trip to Thrifty's or Whole Foods for the everyday staples (almond milk, eggs, bread, deli, etc.).
Here is my general outline for my weekly meal plan. And in true Wifey fashion, in 4 easy steps!! :)
In order.....
- Meridian meats is my fave place as they have custom made packs. You just order over the phone and pick up after 2-3 days. They carry good quality meat, all free range and grass fed.
- this is my go-to as the packages include all the meats (beef, pork, fish, poultry, breakfast meats) and it includes different cuts as well (ground, filet, steak, skinned, etc.)
- this is the base of my meal plan, having all the meats make it SO much easier to think of different recipes
- I find that when I see the produce in front of me, I can come up with recipes alot easier.
- i also try not to buy the same produce as the week before, that is when things start to get boring and redundant. If I have a few faves, I grab them anyway but i try to have some variety each week.
- so walk into the market and see what inspires you!!
- by this point I have a good idea of what I'm going to make so i grab the rest of the ingredients needed as well as the usual daily staples at the grocery store.
- before, i started with making the list first and as I mentioned, it took me forever!! I've made it the last thing to do and it literally takes me about 10 minutes since all I have to do is quickly organize all my thoughts then write it down.
- I usually list 8 meals per week (1 extra just so I feel I have more options)
- i provided links to my favourite online recipes at the end of the blog!!
Tips for those On-The-Go:
- When cooking your meals, make enough so you have leftovers. Perfect for lunch at work the next day. (I did this alot when I worked full time, I didnt have time to think about what to pack for lunch, nor was I a fan lol).
- Invest in a slow cooker. These are amazing for those who just want to sit and eat after coming home. You just stick everything in the pot and turn it on when you leave for work. When you come home, you'll have a nice hot meal ready.
- Freezing. If you don't mind eating the same thing for 5 days, make a big batch and freeze in meal sized portions. Take it to work with you or if you're having a lazy day, just heat up and go. Or vary it up and make 2-3 different meals then freeze. This definitely beats those frozen instant meals from the grocery store, cheaper and healthier too!!
This method has made my life easier when it came to preparing meals and has turned into something fun for me, and that's what is important!! If it's not fun, you'll get tired of it and give up. In the long run, it will save you money and at the same time, develop a healthy eating habit. So head to your local markets and get crackin'!! Get inspired and channel your inner Iron Chef.
Below are the links to my favourite online sources for recipes:
Until next blog!!
Maria <3
Instagram: @wifey604
Twitter: @wifey604vancity