Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Birthday Race Weekend!!

What a crazy weekend!! I celebrated turning 29 by starting out my race year with a bang.  Just like last year, my first races are Delta Triathlon and the Vancouver Sun Run, and 2 years in a row they've been back to back.  Crazy? Yes. Fun? YES!!

I will be blogging mostly about my tri race as the Sun Run was not a competitive event for me.  I did a 1:02 10k which is what I expected after pushing it the day before.

I started racing triathlons in 2009 thanks to my equally as crazy (if not more) hubby.  I had a strong swimming background so I decided to see if could complete a triathlon.  I originally wanted to try one but once I completed my first, I wanted to do more.  It was a lot of fun and definitely physically challenging as I was not a rider or a runner.  I ended up doing 5 triathlons that year and haven't stopped since (except for the 9 month baby break of course). 

2014 DELTA TRIATHLON (Sprint Distance)

1:34.46 - Amazing race, I set a new PB and planning to destroy that time again next year!!
(2015 goal: Sub 1:30)........or maybe try an olympic distance race (double the distance).

Swim 600m - Slow and Steady
I wanted to save all of my energy and strength for the bike and run leg of the race so I was going at a medium hard pace.  I did a 12min 34 sec 600m which is actually pretty slow for me, I ended up drafting behind a guy (good news) but he was at a slower pace (bad news).  It would have been a waste of energy to pass him and pull away so I just stayed on his tail.

Bike 20km - Best bike split ever
T1 was pretty good, had to re-do my ponytail twice to fit my helmet but was out of there in 2 minutes.  It was 2 10k loops, the first loop was cold but felt good.  My legs felt great and I tackled 2 hills in a row with no struggle.  Second loop was still a bit cold but felt good, struggled up the last hill but I booked the last 5km to blast it on the run.  I ended up doing about a 51 minute 20km bike.

Run - Amazing and Painful
T2 was quick, I just wanted to finish the last leg and for all of it to be over!  Helmet off, bike shoes off, run shoes and sunglasses on, and off I go.  The first km was pretty much goofy legs and took me a bit to push through that feeling.  Once I hit the 2 and 3k mark, I was solid.  I could feel my body starting to anticipate the end of the race so I started to feel the previous bike ride, my quads and calves were definitely on fire.  I pushed through and got to the finish line with a 29 minute 5k (pretty damn painful but good for swimming more than half a kilometer and biking 20k with headwind immediately beforehand).

Overall I was happy with my race, final finish time and how I felt throughout.  I didn't check my watch too often during the race but I checked at my last 1km of the run and saw I was way ahead of my goal time.  That gave me a sudden rush of energy and I sprinted the last leg.  Very good race and a happy 29th birthday to me!! :)

My next triathlon race will be the Point Grey Triathlon in July....ish? We'll see how I do!!


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